Organic Fertilizer

Phosphate Solublising Fungi
A biofungicide is made up of beneficial fungi and bacteria that colonize and assail plant pathogens, thereby thwarting the diseases they cause. These microorganisms are commonly and naturally found in soil, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical fungicides. Biofungicides attack and feed on the harmful pathogen. Biofungicide has to be in the rhizosphere either before or at the same time as the pathogen. Predation by the biofungicide will not affect the harmful pathogen if introduces after it has infected the roots.
Mode of Application
Seed Treatment
Mix 4 g of aspergillus niger/ 25ml of water and Prepare the slurry and mix with 1kg of seeds and dry the coated seeds for 30 minutes before sowing in the field.
Mix10 g of aspergillus niger / liter of water and dip the roots of the seedlings for 15 – 30minutes before transplanting.
Nursery bed
Apply 250g of aspergillus niger in 50L of water Mix well the contents and soil drench to cover the nursery area of 500 m 2 (1.25 cents).
Soil Application
1kg of aspergillus niger can be mixed with 25kgs of soil/ FYM / Broadcast per acre area, mix the aspergillus niger with the FYM incubate for 7 days in a cool and dry place under shade and cover with a wet jute/ gunny bag before broadcasting for good results. Mix 25 g of T.viride / liter of water (@1 kg /ha). Spray 45 days after transplanting @ 10 days interval for thrice application depending upon the severity of disease. One spray, if disease at the initial stage for better results.
Recommended Crops
Cereals, Pulses, Oil seeds, Cotton, Capsicum, Chilies, Cauliflower, Brinjal, Tomato, Potato, Onion, Peas, Beans, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee and Fruits crop- Apple, Citrus, Grape , Pomegranate , Banana etc.
Key Aids
- Accelerates mobilization and uptake of nutrients
- An effective bio-fungicide acts upon fungal plant pathogens (e.g. Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Pythium, Schlerotinia, Verticillium, Alternaria, phytopthora, and other fungus)
- Induces systemic defense response in plants
- Provides tolerance against biotic and abiotic stresses.