Bio-Fertilizers & PGP Bio-Fungicides

Nitrogen Fixing Bio-Fertilizer for Crops
CFU: 5 x 107/ g
Mode of Application
Soil Treatment
Mix 4 kgs / acre with the soil / Farm Yard Manure (FYM) / vermin-compost after 2 or 3 days Maintaining adequate moisture and broadcast.
Seed Treatment
Mix 6 – 10 g / kg of seeds in required volume of water and add a small lump of jaggery, mix well, shade dry (15- 20 mins) and ready for sowing.
Treatment of the plant material (sett, seedling and rhizomes):
Dissolve 1 kg of Azotobacter in 20 -30 liters of water and dip the seedlings for 30 minutes before planting.
Soil Drenching
Mix 250 g / 200 liters of water and apply near the root zone.
Mode of Action
Azotobacter chrococcum produces enzymes like Nitrogenase, hydrogenase , these will help to convert the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonium/nitrates which can be uptake by plants,thus it fixes the nitrogen in the rhizospear. Azotobactor also synthesizes the some of the biologically active substances such as phytohormones there by stimulate the plant growth.
Recommended Crops
Cereal crops such as paddy, jowar, cotton, millets, oilseeds, plantation crops, vegetables, and all other non-leguminous crops.
Key Aids
- Nitrogen fixation
- Anti-Fungal Properties:
Acts upon the various plant pathogenic fungi - Increases Crop Yields
In both Powder and Liquid, granule form